City of SURREY
Biodiversity Conservation Strategy
Diamond Head planners and biologists assessed natural areas and corridors to develop Surrey's Green Infrastructure Network (GIN). Forests, wetlands, creeks, riparian areas, and other habitat areas were assessed for their wildlife value, community development potential, recreation potential and storm-water management. Supporting policy recommendations were made to guide future development planning, parkland acquisition & protection, green building standards, agricultural biodiversity and climate change education & awareness. Two monitoring frameworks were developed: one to help the City detect ecological changes in the GIN, and another to manage the City's internal performance and progress with their biodiversity objectives, including specific management benchmarks for comparison with other municipalities across Canada and abroad.
View the complete Strategy here.
Tree Management and Monitoring for the Stanley Park Causeway Bike/Pedestrian Pathway Widening
Project Arborist for the UBC South Campus and Main Mall Redevelopment (2006 - present)
Invasive Species Removal & Restoration for Migratory Bird Species at the Alaksen National Wildlife Area (in progress)
Port Mann/Highway 1 Habitat Compensation Planting Design and Implementation
Contractor for Noxious Weed Control, Metro Vancouver Region Highways and Gravel Pits
Climate Adaptation Tree Selection Guidelines