City of Port Moody

Trail Standards and Trail Network Strategy

The City of Port Moody is home to an estimated 33 kilometres of authorized trails, including hiking, mountain biking, and mixed-use trails. These include an eight-kilometre segment of the Great Trail. The City has seen considerable population growth, and with the onset of the pandemic, a corresponding demand for an improved trail network. Diamond Head was hired by the City of Port Moody to create a strategy and action for the trails and trail related amenities to accommodate the City’s growing population.

After a thorough background review and network analysis, DHC will conduct public engagement workshops and surveys to gain insight on community needs. The community and stakeholders are prioritized through this process and their input will be used to synthesize a comprehensive recommendation and action plan, inclusive of findings, best practices, risk management, priority areas and a detailed implementation strategy. The outcome of this project will align the trail network with strategic policies set forth by the City for 2050 in terms of growth, inter-city and regional connectivity, user accessibility, environmental projection and sustainability.