Metro Vancouver
Capilano Watershed Fuel Management Plan
DHC has been contracted to develop a Fuel Management Prescription (FMP) that will reduce the wildfire threat posed by than outbreak of Hemlock looper in the Capilano Watershed. The study area is 81 hectares and is strategically located to take advantage of natural and manmade barrier to wildfire spread, which can be enhanced through fuel treatment. Treatment in this area is intended to protect the Capilano Watershed, and also the key pieces of infrastructure that support the functioning of this watershed. This FMP will set out objectives, targets and operational strategies to reduce the fuel loading and fire behavior potential in the strategically identified area. The FMP will also include a summary of all the values at risk, constraints, and operational considerations in the study area. It will be a comprehensive plan that can be operationally implemented, whereby the vegetation is physically modified and the risk subsequently reduced.
Climate Adaptation Tree Selection Guidelines