City of Port Moody
Environmentally Sensitive Area Strategy
Diamond Head worked with the city to update the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) Strategy and supporting Development Permit Policy for the City of Port Moody. The original strategy was completed in 2003, based on data collected in the late 1990s. In the last 15 years however, Port Moody’s landscape has changed significantly, new technologies and datasets are available for mapping ESAs, and we have a better understanding of the benefits of ESAs and how to integrate them into our cities.
ESAs in Port Moody were surveyed by DHC staff in the summer of 2019 to update the geospatial mapping to reflect current day natural area features and functions in the City. Initial public and staff consultation have been completed and is supporting the identification of ESAs and guiding the updated management strategy. The updated ESA strategy will help to conserve biodiversity in the City by protecting an ecological network of greenbelts that connect the upland forested areas with marine areas using wildlife corridors and riparian areas.
ESA DP areas have been defined and DP guidelines and standards for developing within and adjacent to these areas are being developed to better protection of these environmental assets as the City continues to grow.
Tree Management and Monitoring for the Stanley Park Causeway Bike/Pedestrian Pathway Widening
Project Arborist for the UBC South Campus and Main Mall Redevelopment (2006 - present)
Invasive Species Removal & Restoration for Migratory Bird Species at the Alaksen National Wildlife Area (in progress)
Port Mann/Highway 1 Habitat Compensation Planting Design and Implementation
Contractor for Noxious Weed Control, Metro Vancouver Region Highways and Gravel Pits
Climate Adaptation Tree Selection Guidelines