City of Vancouver
Ecological Inventory Network (2023-ongoing)
On behalf of the City of Vancouver, Diamond Head Consulting is developing an ecological inventory and assessment of the natural areas within its municipal limits. This includes the mapping of terrestrial and shoreline vegetation, the classification of habitats and the assessment of the functionality of those habitats. The project aims to improve the City’s understanding of local ecosystems, habitats, and ecosystem services and craft a vision and approach for environmental planning. The report will make recommendations to City departments and Park Board staff about municipal projects, policies, and regulations to be shared broadly with the public. The deliverables from this project include habitat metrics, state of environment information and maps that will be used to inform City and Park Board land use planning, infrastructure projects, ecological restoration projects and stewardship work.
Tree Management and Monitoring for the Stanley Park Causeway Bike/Pedestrian Pathway Widening
Project Arborist for the UBC South Campus and Main Mall Redevelopment (2006 - present)
Invasive Species Removal & Restoration for Migratory Bird Species at the Alaksen National Wildlife Area (in progress)
Port Mann/Highway 1 Habitat Compensation Planting Design and Implementation
Contractor for Noxious Weed Control, Metro Vancouver Region Highways and Gravel Pits
Climate Adaptation Tree Selection Guidelines