City of Vancouver and PFS
West End Waterfront
DHC conducted an environmental overview assessment and arboriculture inventory for the West End Waterfront Management Plan for the City of Vancouver. These reports were used to refine project goals and inform the proposed management plan for the West End Waterfront. DHC worked with the project team to incorporate environmental features and values into the proposed design. The final design included numerous ecological improvements for the parks, including restored areas, sand dune and Garry oak meadows, and habitat islands. DHC helped develop design guidelines and project costing to inform implementation.
Tree Management and Monitoring for the Stanley Park Causeway Bike/Pedestrian Pathway Widening
Project Arborist for the UBC South Campus and Main Mall Redevelopment (2006 - present)
Invasive Species Removal & Restoration for Migratory Bird Species at the Alaksen National Wildlife Area (in progress)
Port Mann/Highway 1 Habitat Compensation Planting Design and Implementation
Contractor for Noxious Weed Control, Metro Vancouver Region Highways and Gravel Pits
Climate Adaptation Tree Selection Guidelines